Below is my work that I did to calculate shifitng bottleneck heuristic using Python. I also posted a youtube video explaining the step by step process of calculating Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic by hand.
Feel free to watch the video at Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic - Job Shop Problem OR by Jose Vasquez
# import modules needed for this
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
First, I create table with information regarding the number of jobs (ex. Assembly, Slitting, Packing), the order of machines/stations that each job has to go through, and the processing time it takes for a machine/station to complete a step in a specific job.
# Creating table
machines = ['m1', 'm2', 'm3']
jobs = pd.DataFrame({}, columns=machines + ['order']) = 'jobs'
# Entering job names, machines, and processing times into table
jobs.loc['Assembly'] = {'m1':7,
'order': ['m1', 'm3', 'm2']}
jobs.loc['Slitting'] = {'m1':4,
'order': ['m2', 'm1', 'm3']}
jobs.loc['Packing'] = {'m1':8,
'order': ['m1', 'm2', 'm3']}
m1 | m2 | m3 | order | |
jobs | ||||
Assembly | 7 | 10 | 8 | [m1, m3, m2] |
Slitting | 4 | 6 | 12 | [m2, m1, m3] |
Packing | 8 | 8 | 7 | [m1, m2, m3] |
Next, I calculated the total processing time for each individual machine/station
(ex. Machine 1 will take 7 minutes processing Assembly, 4 minutes processing slitting, and 8 minutes processing Packing)
job_names = list(jobs.index)
# create table to save results
m_total = pd.DataFrame({}, columns=['total']) = 'm #'
for m in machines:
m_total.loc[m] = {'total':0}
for i in job_names: # find summation for machine m
m_total['total'][m] = jobs[m][i] + m_total['total'][m]
# order by max to min table
m_total = m_total.sort_values(by= 'total', ascending=False)
total | |
m # | |
m3 | 27 |
m2 | 24 |
m1 | 19 |
Afterwards, I calculated the different combinations where each job will be the first in line (only need 1 of each)
A combination is a column value shown on the table below.
(Ex. combination 1 = column 0 ie 'Assembly' 'Slitting' 'Packing')
# get column and row names into list (machine list and job names)
machines = list(m_total.index)
job_names = list(jobs.index)
# combination list table creation
def node_order(job_name_order, start_from_index):
iteration = pd.DataFrame({})
for i in range(start_from_index, len(job_name_order)):
popped = job_name_order[:]
start = popped.pop(i)
popped.insert(0, start)
iteration[i] = popped
# create combinations for this iteration
iteration_1 = node_order(job_names, 0)
0 | 1 | 2 | |
0 | Assembly | Slitting | Packing |
1 | Slitting | Assembly | Assembly |
2 | Packing | Packing | Slitting |
Afterwards, I decided to show the visual representation of the first round of combinations (nodes)
node = nx.Graph()
node.add_nodes_from(['start', iteration_1[0][0], iteration_1[0][1], iteration_1[0][2]])
layout = {}
node.add_edges_from([('start', iteration_1[0][0]), ('start', iteration_1[0][1]), ('start', iteration_1[0][2])])
layout = {}
layout['start'] = [0, 10]
layout[iteration_1[0][0]] = [-3, 5]
layout[iteration_1[0][1]] = [0, 5]
layout[iteration_1[0][2]] = [3, 5]
nx.draw_networkx(node, pos=layout)
Next, I created a function that creates table with the following information:
Processing Time (Pj) - time it takes for machine to process job
Release (Rj) - time at which machine will be available
Due Date (dd) - time at which job should be completed
Completion Time (Cj) - time at which job will be completed
Tardiness (t) - difference between time completed minus due date
def create_table_data(col_names, mach_num, main_table= jobs):
table_n = pd.DataFrame({}, columns= col_names)
for i in col_names:
# --------------------------------------------------
# release j
order = jobs['order'][i]
current = order.index(mach_num)
release = 0
for j in range(0, current):
release = release + jobs[order[j]][i]
# --------------------------------------------------
# due date
dd = m_total['total'][mach_num]
for k in range(len(order)-1, -1, -1):
if k == current:
m = order[k]
dd = dd - jobs[m][i]
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Create table
table_n[i] = {
'Processing Time (Pj)': jobs[mach_num][i],
'Release (Rj)':release,
'due date (dd)':dd,
'completion time (Cj)': 0,
'tardiness (t)': 0}
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Completion Time
Cj = 0
for i in col_names:
if Cj < table_n[i][1]:
Cj = Cj + table_n[i][1]
Cj = Cj + table_n[i][0]
table_n[i]['completion time (Cj)'] = Cj
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Tardiness
if table_n[i]['due date (dd)'] < table_n[i]['completion time (Cj)']:
tardiness = table_n[i]['completion time (Cj)'] - table_n[i]['due date (dd)']
table_n[i]['tardiness (t)'] = tardiness
return table_n
m_index = list(m_total.index)
table_data = ['']*(len(iteration_1.columns))
for i in iteration_1.columns:
table_data[i] = create_table_data(col_names = iteration_1[i], mach_num = m_index[0])
Below I created tables to visually show the data.
Table 1 represents combination 1, Table 2 represents combination 2, etc.
ax = plt
table2 = ['']*3
table2[0] = ax.table(
rowLabels=table_data[0].index ,
loc='upper left',
rowColours =["palegreen"] * 10,
colColours =["palegreen"] * 10)
table2[1] = ax.table(
rowLabels=table_data[1].index ,
rowColours =["palegreen"] * 10,
colColours =["palegreen"] * 10)
table2[2] = ax.table(
rowLabels=table_data[2].index ,
loc='lower left',
rowColours =["palegreen"] * 10,
colColours =["palegreen"] * 10)